¡Clases particulares!

- Inglés--> face to face o si vives en un lugar diferente... por Skype :)

- Conversación--> varias opciones.

- Todas las asignaturas de primaria.

Escríbeme y lo hablamos: martinvirginiat@gmail.com

Past continuous

We use the Past Continuous to talk about something in the past that continued before and another action...

e.g. 'I was reading a book when the telephone rang'

Also to express something that happened again and again...

e.g. 'My throat was aching'

So then:
Pronoun +   was    + verb -ing + ...

** What if we want to say something that was not happening?

e.g. 'I wasn´t writing in French when my sister arrived'
       'I was´t reading a book when my sister arrived'
       'They weren´t doing the exam when María interrupted'
Pronoun +    was not      + verb -ing + ...
                     were not

** If we want to ask about something that was happening in the past we use:

was       + pronoun + verb -ing + ... + ?

e.g. 'Were you reading the blog when Sonia called?'

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